Forced Conversions and Marriages: A Peril Facing Pakistani Minority Girls

Forced Conversions and Marriages: A Peril Facing Pakistani Minority Girls

In Pakistan, women and girls face a severe threat in the form of forced conversions and marriages. This abhorrent practice is deeply rooted in the country’s patriarchal society and discriminatory laws, making religious minority communities particularly vulnerable. Young girls are abducted, subjected to violence, and intimidated to force them into converting to Islam and marrying their abductors.

Despite the existence of laws prohibiting forced conversions, their implementation is lacking. The influence of religious groups and weak political will have contributed to the perpetuation of this heinous crime. The government has failed to take decisive action against the perpetrators, and the victims are often left with little recourse for justice.

This issue disproportionately affects girls from religious minority communities, who are marginalized and face multiple forms of discrimination based on their faith, class, and gender. They are often financially vulnerable, subordinate to men, and lack proper identification documents, making them easy targets for exploitation.

Abductions and forced conversions are often carried out with the support of local authorities, landlords, and religious organizations. The victims’ reports are often disregarded, and the perpetrators enjoy impunity. This systematic trend is deeply concerning and reflects a systemic failure to protect vulnerable girls and young women.

A comprehensive legislative framework is urgently needed to address this issue effectively. Previous attempts to implement such measures have been met with opposition from religious groups, demonstrating the need for strong political will to overcome these challenges.

The government must take immediate steps to criminalize forced conversions and ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice. It is imperative to provide support and protection to victims, including legal assistance and safe housing. By addressing the root causes of this issue, Pakistan can take a significant step towards creating a just and equitable society for all its citizens, regardless of their faith or gender.

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