Alane Dias, a former contestant on the popular Brazilian reality show Big Brother Brazil, experienced an unforgettable moment when she received a direct message from none other than legendary musician Caetano Veloso. The unexpected interaction left the actress in a state of pure excitement.
“You guys aren’t ready for this notification that’s behind me. What now? Oh, wait, I can’t get used to this,” she exclaimed, laughing, as she shared her joy with her followers.
Adding to the already special evening, Alane had the opportunity to witness the incredible performance of Caetano Veloso and Maria Bethânia together on stage. “What a beautiful night I lived last night. Being able to watch Caetano Veloso and Maria Bethânia together on stage, a rare chance that I will cherish in my memory. 🤍,” she wrote, expressing her gratitude for the unforgettable experience.