Former Factory Farm Transformed into Eco-Friendly Greenhouse in North Carolina

The Transfarmation Project® is making waves in the agricultural world by transforming a former factory farm in North Carolina into a thriving eco-friendly greenhouse. This innovative project, unveiled on September 6, 2024, at 509 Concord Church Road in Wadesboro, exemplifies the potential of sustainable farming practices.

The facility, which previously raised an estimated 540,000 chickens annually, has been completely revamped by the TransfarmationTM team and property owners Tom and Sokchea Lim. The result is a 15,000-square-foot greenhouse, now a vibrant vegetable farm and research center dedicated to promoting sustainable alternatives for former chicken farmers.

This transformation signifies a shift from industrial animal agriculture to specialty-crop production, offering significant environmental advantages:


Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Specialty-crop farming generates significantly fewer greenhouse gases than factory animal farming, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.


Soil Remediation:

The transition allows for revitalization of degraded soil, improving its health and promoting biodiversity, which is crucial for maintaining thriving ecosystems.


Water Conservation:

Specialty-crop farming utilizes water more efficiently compared to factory animal farming, addressing issues of excessive water consumption and pollution.

Tom Lim, a former poultry farmer who faced financial challenges after the termination of his contract in 2018, expresses the hope this transformation brings: “This transformation is more than a new beginning for our farm; it is also a source of hope for a better, more sustainable future.”

The North Carolina demonstration hub serves as a multi-faceted space:


Research Center:

It will be a central hub for research in sustainable agricultural practices, exploring innovative approaches to farming.


Visitor Space:

The hub welcomes individuals interested in exploring alternatives to factory farming, providing a platform for learning and discussion.


Showcase for Farmers:

The project aims to be a platform for farmers to share and develop viable and sustainable agricultural opportunities.


Public Events Venue:

The hub offers a firsthand look at the transformative potential of farm transitions, showcasing the benefits of sustainable farming to the public.

The success of this project, as exemplified by the Lims’ transition from raising 540,000 chickens to cultivating a vibrant vegetable farm, underscores the viability of a shift away from factory farming. “Through their collaboration with TransfarmationTM, the Lims prove that farmers can break free from the exploitative factory-farming system, as well as thrive and enjoy a better quality of life. We hope their farm becomes a beacon of inspiration, motivating farmers, policymakers and the public to visit, witness the transformation firsthand and advocate a sustainable overhaul of our food system.” – Tyler Whitley, director of TransfarmationTM at Mercy For Animals.

The launch of this demonstration hub precedes the release of “Transfarmation: The Movement to Free Us from Factory Farming” by TransfarmationTM founder Leah Garcés on September 17. This book delves deeper into the movement to create a just and sustainable food system, highlighting the power of collaboration and individual action.

This initiative serves as a testament to the potential of transforming our food system for a more sustainable and ethical future. The success of the North Carolina demonstration hub paves the way for a broader movement toward eco-friendly agricultural practices, benefitting both farmers and the environment.

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