Former NHS Nurse-Turned-Criminal Jailed for Drug-Fueled Crime Spree

Gemma Fletcher, a 35-year-old mother of three, once held a respected position as a healthcare assistant in the A&E unit at Royal Bolton Hospital. However, her life took a tragic turn in 2019 when she suffered a back injury during labor, leading to a severe drug addiction that fueled a downward spiral into a life of crime.

Fletcher’s addiction to prescription painkillers and heroin led her to commit 32 offenses of house burglary, theft, and stealing from cars over the past five years. In one particularly disturbing incident, Fletcher, armed with a brick, was caught rummaging through coats in a hallway after entering an unlocked door. Her plea for money for drugs was met with a citizen’s arrest.

Despite being released on bail, Fletcher continued her criminal behavior, stealing from vehicles and targeting a woman fleeing domestic violence, taking medication she desperately needed for a stomach tumor. Inquiries revealed she was on license at the time, having been released early from a previous prison sentence for breaking into motor vehicles.

Appearing via video link from Styal Women’s Prison, Fletcher admitted to burglary and was sentenced to an additional 20 months in prison. The judge rejected pleas for her release, citing her ongoing risk to the public.

Fletcher’s defense counsel painted a picture of a troubled past marked by an abusive relationship and health issues that contributed to her downfall. The back injury she sustained during childbirth led to an addiction to co-co-codamol, which spiraled out of control.

Despite her previous good character and respected position within the healthcare system, Fletcher’s drug habit consumed her life, leading her to commit increasingly serious crimes. Her descent into criminal behavior is a tragic reminder of the devastating consequences of addiction and the importance of seeking help before it’s too late.

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