Former President Trump Speaks Out Ahead of Historic Criminal Trial

On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump spoke with Action News’ Walter Perez via satellite from New York, where he is facing a historic criminal trial on hush-money charges. Despite a gag order barring him from publicly discussing witnesses, jurors, or court employees, Trump did not hold back in airing his grievances over key witness Michael Cohen.

Trump called Cohen a ‘convicted liar’ and accused him of being motivated by election interference. He also criticized the timing of the trial, claiming it was an attempt to damage his opponent.

In addition to the trial, Trump touched on a range of other issues, including immigration, abortion, and the economy. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the Biden Administration’s policies and claimed that Biden is ‘the worst president in our history.’

Political Science Professor Dr. Susan Liebell believes Trump is hoping to control the narrative surrounding his trial by presenting himself as a victim of persecution.

The Biden Administration declined to comment directly on Trump’s remarks but referred Action News to their newly opened campaign office in North Philadelphia. State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta, speaking on Biden’s behalf, emphasized the importance of Pennsylvania as a battleground state and expressed confidence in Biden’s ability to win the state in 2024.

A recent poll by Franklin & Marshall College shows a tight presidential race in Pennsylvania, with Biden holding a narrow lead over Trump.

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