Former Trump Lawyer Cohen Admits Stealing Funds from Trump Organization

In a bombshell revelation that rocked the ongoing hush-money trial, Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer of Donald Trump, admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization. Cohen’s confession came during the fourth day of cross-examination by the defense, represented by Trump’s lead lawyer, Todd Blanche. Blanche relentlessly questioned Cohen about a $50,000 payment he allegedly made to RedFinch, a technology firm that served as a shell company. Cohen initially claimed he was reimbursed for the full amount, but under pressure from Blanche, he admitted that he only provided $20,000 to RedFinch in cash, in a brown paper bag. With the admission of theft hanging in the air, Blanche pointedly asked, “You did steal from the Trump Organization?” to which Cohen replied, “Yes, sir.”

Cohen’s admission of guilt added another layer of intrigue to the already sensational trial, which marks the first criminal case against a former U.S. president. Trump himself faces 34 felony charges for allegedly falsifying records to conceal reimbursements to Cohen for a hush-money payment as legal fees. Despite pleading not guilty, Trump’s lawyers have maintained that there was no criminal intent behind his actions, dismissing the charges as merely a political witch hunt.

However, Cohen’s testimony has significantly undermined the credibility of Trump’s defense. The disbarred attorney has previously acknowledged lying under oath and engaging in other questionable conduct, all in an attempt to protect Trump. Cohen’s financial motivations have also been under scrutiny, as he has profited handsomely from anti-Trump books and podcasts. The defense has capitalized on Cohen’s checkered past to paint him as an unreliable witness, driven by financial gain rather than truth.

Cohen’s confession of stealing from the Trump Organization has sent shockwaves through the trial, further complicating the already tangled web of accusations and denials. As the trial nears its conclusion, with closing arguments anticipated next week, Cohen’s admission of guilt could prove to be a pivotal moment in determining the outcome of this historic case.

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