FSSAI Warns Traders Against Calcium Carbide Use in Mango Ripening, Citing Health Risks

FSSAI Warns Traders Against Calcium Carbide Use in Mango Ripening, Citing Health Risks

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the central food regulatory body, has issued a fresh warning to traders against using calcium carbide for artificially ripening mangoes, citing serious health risks. Calcium carbide is rampantly used to ripen fruits like mangoes, but its use is strictly prohibited due to its harmful effects.

What is the Danger of Calcium Carbide?

Calcium carbide, commonly known as ‘masala,’ releases acetylene gas containing harmful traces of arsenic and phosphorus. These substances can cause dizziness, frequent thirst, irritation, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, and skin ulcers. Acetylene gas is also hazardous to handlers, and residues of arsenic and phosphorus may remain on fruits.

FSSAI’s Warning

The FSSAI has alerted fruit traders, handlers, and Food Business Operators (FBOs) operating ripening chambers to strictly comply with the prohibition on using calcium carbide, especially during the mango season. The Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011, clearly state that no person shall sell or offer for sale fruits that have been artificially ripened by acetylene gas.

Safer Alternative: Ethylene Gas

The FSSAI permits the use of ethylene gas as a safer alternative for fruit ripening. Ethylene gas, at concentrations up to 100 ppm, is a natural hormone that regulates ripening. It triggers the natural ripening process until the fruit produces ethylene in substantial quantities.

How to Spot Mangoes Ripened with Calcium Carbide

To protect yourself from consuming fruits ripened with calcium carbide, consider the following tips:

* Buy from Trusted Sources: Purchase fruits and vegetables from known sellers, reputed stores, or dealers who claim their produce is not ripened with harmful or banned chemicals.
* Thorough Washing: Wash fruits thoroughly with running potable water before eating to remove any potential surface contaminants.
* Avoid Black Blotches: Steer clear of fruits with black blotches on the skin, as these are likely ripened with acetylene gas from calcium carbide.
* Check Texture: Be cautious of mangoes and other fruits with uniformly colored textures, as this is a sign of possible chemical ripening.
* Smell and Shelf Life: Be aware that adulterated fruits may have a slightly pungent smell and a shorter shelf life, often indicating the use of calcium carbide for ripening.

By following these guidelines and supporting businesses that prioritize safe ripening practices, consumers can minimize the risk of consuming fruits contaminated with calcium carbide and protect their health.


This article is intended for informational purposes only. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional for any health concerns or before making any decisions related to their health or treatment.

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