Full Moon Eclipse: 6 Zodiac Signs To Brace For Intense Emotional Shifts

Get ready for an intense cosmic ride! A full moon eclipse in Pisces is set to hit on September 17th, bringing with it a surge of powerful energy. According to astrologer Bellainter (@bellainter on TikTok), six zodiac signs are in for a particularly potent experience: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra, and Sagittarius. Prepare to feel everything on a deep, cosmic level, as this eclipse is not your average full moon energy.


The eclipse is set to amplify your emotions, making you feel everything intensely. You may feel overwhelmed or even sad. This is a time to release anything that’s holding you back and come up for air.


It’s time to chill out, Virgo! The eclipse might make things confusing, clouding your usually clear analytical mind. It’s best to avoid making major decisions during this time and try not to get caught up in other people’s emotional dramas.


You might feel lazy, unfocused, and just plain “over it.” Hold off on any big financial moves for now. Focus on handling the essentials and let the intense energy pass.


This eclipse could bring a feeling of emotional disconnect. Take this as a chance to re-evaluate where you’re putting your energy. Are you giving too much to others and not enough to yourself?


Prepare for tension in your closest relationships, possibly fueled by emotional misunderstandings. Let others sort out their own issues and avoid exhausting yourself trying to be everyone’s peacekeeper.


Similar to Gemini, you might feel unusually lazy, despite your usual energetic and ambitious nature. This eclipse is hitting Jupiter, your ruling planet, potentially causing a slump in motivation. Take a break, but don’t let it turn into complete avoidance. Get up and do something productive, your future self will thank you for it.

For all six signs, Bella advises releasing anything holding you back and taking control of your destiny during this powerful eclipse. Embrace the intense energy and let it guide you towards a more fulfilling path.

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