Galaxy Z Flip 6 Durability Test: JerryRigEverything Puts Samsung’s Foldable Through the Wringer

Tech YouTuber Zack Nelson of JerryRigEverything, known for his extreme phone durability tests, has turned his attention to Samsung’s new Galaxy Z Flip 6. As always, Nelson doesn’t hold back, subjecting the phone to a barrage of tests designed to push its limits.

For those who find it hard to watch expensive gadgets get roughed up, this video might be tough to stomach. But for those fascinated by the resilience (or lack thereof) of technology, it’s a captivating spectacle. Nelson begins by pointing out some subtle design differences between the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and its predecessor, like the addition of a fourth earpiece slit and a more squared-off design. Then, he gets to work with his arsenal of tools, including a box cutter, a flame, and even a generous amount of rubble.

Nelson’s fingernail test quickly reveals that the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s main display is susceptible to unsightly scratches. The box cutter, predictably, leaves its mark, carving deep scratches across the phone’s frame. The fire test, where Nelson applies a flame to the display, sees the screen show signs of degradation after just 14 seconds. Despite its IP48 rating, which promises protection against objects larger than 1 millimeter, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is subjected to a barrage of rubble, with Nelson repeatedly opening and closing the device to test its resilience. While the phone doesn’t appear to suffer any major damage, the folding and unfolding does become noticeably noisier.

The video culminates in Nelson’s infamous bend test. While folding and unfolding is the phone’s intended function, Nelson attempts to bend it in the opposite direction, pushing the limits of its structural integrity. Surprisingly, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 holds up remarkably well, resisting Nelson’s forceful bending attempts and remaining intact. The video concludes with Nelson dissecting the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s exterior to explore its innards. By the end, the phone is barely recognizable, yet it’s clear that it has weathered Nelson’s relentless durability test with surprising fortitude.

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