Gardeners Share ‘Game-Changing’ Hack to Kill Patio Weeds ‘Instantly’ for 30p

Persistent weeds can be a real eyesore, especially when they sprout in unwanted locations, like your patio. Gardeners on the Gardening Hints and Tips Facebook page have been sharing their solutions, and one popular method involves using bleach.

John Bennett, a member of the group, shared his struggles with weeds growing between paving stones, lamenting that he’d tried everything except weed killer due to having pets. This prompted other members to offer their own tips, with bleach being a common recommendation.

Sally Baker suggested applying undiluted bleach to the affected area and waiting for the weeds to turn brown before pulling them out. She also advised flushing the bleach away with water, especially if keeping the patio weed-free is a priority.

Helen Doyle echoed the sentiment, calling bleach a game-changing hack she learned years ago. She emphasized its effectiveness in killing weeds instantly, while acknowledging its strength and the need for caution.

The experts at The Grass People confirmed the effectiveness of undiluted bleach for killing weeds growing through cracks in walkways and driveways. They recommend spraying the bleach directly on the weeds and letting it sit. This solution not only kills existing weeds but also helps prevent new ones from sprouting. However, they warn that bleach will also kill grass, flowers, and other vegetation, so it should be used only on hard surfaces and away from organic matter.

It’s essential to keep animals and children indoors until the bleach-treated weeds have dried out and are removed. Bleach is readily available at most retailers for as little as 30p a bottle, making it a very affordable solution.

While bleach offers a quick and inexpensive way to eliminate patio weeds, remember to use it with caution and always follow safety guidelines.

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