Netflix is bringing the beloved martial arts series Garōden to life with an anime adaptation, titled Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf. The series, which debuted as a novel in 1985, has since seen numerous manga adaptations, a feature film, and two video games.
Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf follows Juzo, a skilled Takemiya-ryu martial artist who is forced into competing in a deadly underground fighting tournament. With a bounty of three million yen on his head and a detective on his trail, Juzo must navigate a path filled with formidable foes and his personal demons.
The show promises plenty of intense martial arts action, with the creators working closely with experts to capture movements from boxing, karate, sumo, wrestling, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The trailer showcases the impressive animation, which captures the fluidity and power of the martial arts featured in the show.
Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf arrives on Netflix on May 23. Fans of martial arts anime and action-packed storytelling will definitely want to add this to their watchlist.