Gaza Ceasefire Deal Nears as US, Egypt, Qatar Present Proposal

On the second day of talks in Doha, Egypt, Qatar, and the United States jointly announced a new ceasefire proposal for the Gaza conflict. This proposal, presented to both Israel and Hamas, aims to bridge the remaining differences between the two parties.

The joint statement, released on Friday, highlighted the “serious and constructive” nature of the talks, conducted in a “positive atmosphere.” The proposal, developed with support from Egypt and Qatar, is described as consistent with the principles outlined by President Biden in May 2024 and UN Security Council Resolution 2735. It is built upon areas of agreement reached over the past week.

This announcement comes shortly after Israel informed the United Kingdom and France that a deal with Hamas was imminent.

Moving forward, a working team will be established to handle the technical aspects of the proposal. Talks will resume in Cairo next week with the goal of finalizing the deal. These discussions will include the implementation of the agreement’s humanitarian provisions and specific arrangements regarding hostages and detainees.

The joint statement emphasized the urgency of reaching a resolution, stating that there is “no further time to waste nor excuses from any party for further delay.” The three mediating countries will reconvene in Cairo by the end of next week to finalize the agreement based on the terms of the proposal presented on Friday.

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