Geekplus brings revolutionary Shelf-to-Person fulfillment to Nordic region for

In a ground-breaking development, Geek+, the global leader in mobile robot and smart logistics solutions, in collaboration with System Teknik, has successfully deployed the first Shelf-to-Person PopPick project in the Nordic region for, one of the largest online pharmacy wholesalers in the area. Embracing innovation, this project features three PopPick stations and 30 Shelf-to-Person robots, offering a flexible and adaptable solution in a region where fixed automation has been the industry standard. Geekplus’s modular Shelf-to-Person solution revolutionizes warehouse operations by employing mobile robots to transport shelves. Unlike conventional fixed and cubic solutions, Shelf-to-Person can adeptly handle goods of all sizes without the need for substantial infrastructure investments, ensuring maximum flexibility in addressing order fulfillment challenges. PopPick workstations, equipped with two retrieval arms and four presentation locations, seamlessly present pickers with multiple moveable tote racks, achieving an industry-leading throughput of 450 totes per hour. PopPick’s versatility extends to accommodating goods of various types and sizes, minimizing ergonomic strain for workers and optimizing space utilization compared to traditional systems., driven by overwhelming success, sought a modular and automated order fulfillment solution to meet the demands of rapid and efficient order fulfillment. The implementation of Geekplus’s Shelf-to-Person solution aligns perfectly with’s growth aspirations while maintaining exceptional delivery times for its customers. Geekplus, through trusted partners like System Teknik, provides a comprehensive range of Goods-to-Person mobile order fulfillment solutions, consolidating robotic offerings under a single, unified software platform. This strategic partnership demonstrates Geekplus’s commitment to offering a one-stop solution for modular warehouse automation, empowering customers across the globe to embrace innovation and efficiency.

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