Generative AI: ChatGPT Leads the Way, but Regular Use Remains Low

With generative AI products like ChatGPT constantly making headlines, it may seem like everyone is using these tools regularly. However, a new study suggests a different reality. Conducted by the Reuters Institute and Oxford University, the study surveyed 6,000 respondents from the US, UK, France, Denmark, Japan, and Argentina. They found that while OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the most widely used generative AI tool, regular use is still low. Only 1% of respondents in Japan use ChatGPT daily, 2% in France and the UK, and 7% in the US. The study also revealed that between 19% and 30% of respondents hadn’t even heard of any popular generative AI tools. Despite trying these products, only a small minority are regular users. Interestingly, younger people are more likely to use generative AI regularly. The study found that 56% of 18-24 year olds have used ChatGPT at least once, compared to just 16% of those aged 55 and over. When it comes to usage, 24% of respondents said they’ve used generative AI tools to gather information, while 28% have used them to create various media, including text, audio, code, images, and video. The researchers predict that future use of generative AI will be driven by standalone tools like ChatGPT, professional adaptation through workplace products, and the integration of AI elements into widely used platforms like social media and search engines. It’s worth noting that a significant portion of the public is still uncertain about the impact of generative AI on society, likely due to a lack of awareness and limited personal experience. However, younger people and those with higher education, who are more likely to have used generative AI, tend to be more positive about this rapidly developing technology.

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