Pakistan’s first hand-crafted animated movie, ‘The Glassworker’, created by Mano Animation Studios, has partnered with Geo Films for its Pakistan release. Geo Films, renowned for its expertise and prominence in the media industry, will play a vital role in bringing ‘The Glassworker’ to Pakistani cinemas and television audiences.
This partnership marks a significant milestone for Mano Animation Studios as they collaborate with Geo Films to showcase their captivating story with Pakistani audiences. Geo Films’ history of presenting iconic films such as ‘Khuda Kay Lieye’, ‘Bol’, ‘Teefa in Trouble’, ‘The Legend of Maula Jutt’, and ‘Donkey King’ ensures that ‘The Glassworker’ will reach and inspire viewers nationwide.
A Geo Films representative expressed their excitement to present ‘The Glassworker’, acknowledging its unique hand-drawn storytelling experience and its potential to captivate audiences both within Pakistan and around the world. They also highlighted the talent of Usman Riaz, considered a child prodigy, and his team, expressing anticipation for the surprises they may bring.
Stay tuned for further updates as Geo Films and Mano Animation Studios collaborate to prepare for the Pakistan release of ‘The Glassworker’ in the summer of 2024. This partnership promises to showcase the talents of Pakistani animators and filmmakers while bringing a captivating animated story to Pakistani audiences.