German President Steinmeier Visits Erdogan, Calls for Revival of Ties Amid Gaza Disagreements

On Wednesday, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, marking the first official visit by a German president to Turkey in a decade. During a joint press conference, Steinmeier stressed the significance of renewing German-Turkish relations, stating, “These are serious times, and that is precisely why we need each other.”

Despite acknowledging differences in their perspectives on the Gaza conflict, both leaders expressed a desire to improve humanitarian conditions in the region. Steinmeier emphasized the importance of preventing a wider escalation of the conflict and called for a two-state solution as the only viable political perspective in the long term.

Erdogan, on the other hand, criticized the West’s stance on the war, accusing it of turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinian civilians and blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for endangering the stability of the Middle East.

Erdogan also expressed concern about the rise of racism in Germany, while Steinmeier praised the contributions of Turkish-origin citizens to German society and welcomed recent steps towards better integration.

The visit also garnered attention in the media due to Steinmeier’s decision to bring a giant döner kebab cone prepared by Berlin chef Arif Keles, showcasing the cultural ties between the two countries.

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