Ghana Celebrates Tourism Month: A Call to Explore the Beauty Within

Get ready to explore the beauty of Ghana! September is Tourism Month, a nationwide initiative designed to highlight the country’s incredible tourism offerings and encourage Ghanaians to discover their own backyard.

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is leading the charge, urging citizens to delve into the rich cultural tapestry, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant festivals that Ghana has to offer. This year’s campaign goes beyond just sightseeing; it emphasizes the importance of supporting ‘Made in Ghana’ products, contributing to the growth of the local economy.

Key figures, including MP David Ansah Opoku, have enthusiastically endorsed the campaign, highlighting the affordability and allure of destinations like Kwahu. These local tourism gems provide not only economic benefits but also a deeper connection to Ghana’s history and cultural heritage.

Tourism Month will be filled with exciting events and activities, culminating in the celebration of World Tourism Day on September 27th. The GTA aims to foster a stronger bond between Ghanaians and their country by making tourism more accessible and appealing, ultimately contributing to national unity and economic prosperity.

This month-long celebration is an invitation to discover and appreciate the wonders within Ghana’s borders. By embracing domestic tourism, Ghanaians can play a vital role in the country’s development while experiencing the beauty and richness of their own heritage.

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