Gil Duldulao: A Life in Dance and Friendship with Janet Jackson

Growing up in Kalihi, Hawai’i, Gil Duldulao’s passion for dance was ignited when he took a hip-hop class and discovered a natural connection to the art form. Inspired by his Filipino heritage and a desire to pursue his dreams, he left home at 17 for the EDGE Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles. Despite being physically different from the typical male dancer sought after in the industry, Duldulao’s talent and determination shone through.

After landing a scholarship, he found representation and faced auditions where he didn’t fit the mold. However, fate intervened when he received a call for an audition for Janet Jackson, under the tutelage of her choreographer Tina Landon. Days of grueling auditions led to a life-changing moment when he secured a place dancing for Jackson.

Initially shy, Duldulao gradually formed a close friendship with Jackson, who became a mentor and confidante. Together, they embarked on creative journeys, most notably the State of the World tour in 2017, which tackled pressing social issues. Duldulao’s connection to Jackson’s music and personal experiences deeply influenced his storytelling and choreography.

Beyond his work with Jackson, Duldulao has collaborated with other renowned artists such as Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lopez, and Tina Turner. While acknowledging the importance of social media for younger artists, he expresses concern about its potential to overshadow artistic expression and authenticity.

Seeking a change of pace, Duldulao relocated to London, where he rediscovered the solitude and inspiration he needed. He yearns to expand his horizons to Broadway and scripted series, exploring the potential of different mediums to tell the many stories he holds within.

Throughout his journey, Duldulao has maintained a deep appreciation for the transformative power of music and movement. He continues to share his knowledge and passion through teaching, recognizing the importance of connecting with others through this universal language.

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