Glastonbury Bladder: How to Avoid Urinary Woes at the Festival

Regular festivalgoers know the struggle of finding a toilet at Glastonbury, often sacrificing your spot in the crowd or enduring less-than-ideal sanitation. But the fun doesn’t end there. A weekend of dancing and revelry can significantly impact your urinary health. With over 210,000 people heading to Worthy Farm, many could experience the dreaded ‘Glasto bladder.’ This term encompasses various issues that can arise after a heavy festival experience, including UTIs due to dehydration and thrush caused by uncomfortable clothing choices.

Fortunately, there are easy ways to avoid these unpleasant souvenirs. Carmel Deane, general practitioner nurse and Femfresh ambassador, advises staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol is crucial, as these can worsen dehydration. Symptoms of a UTI include a sudden urge to urinate, pain or burning sensation during urination, and in some cases, fever, abdominal pain, or blood in the urine. If you experience more severe symptoms, seek immediate medical attention from the festival’s medical staff.

While you may not want to completely forgo your festival beverages, the ‘zebra-striping’ technique (alternating water with alcoholic drinks) is recommended. Utilize the water stations available on-site and consider carrying a hydration backpack or a reusable water bottle. While wellies are essential for a UK festival, remember that tight bottoms, scratchy sequins, and certain fabrics can create an environment conducive to yeast and bacterial growth, leading to thrush and other infections. Opt for loose, breathable clothing and change out of damp garments as quickly as possible.

Holding your urine can stretch and weaken your bladder, increasing the risk of UTIs. Make regular restroom breaks a priority, even if it means planning your schedule around them. When using the facilities, maintain cleanliness by carrying wipes or a flushable product like Femfresh Tissue Foam or Luna Daily Spray to Wipe. Hand sanitizer is also essential after every restroom visit.

Festival sex, while enjoyable for many, can also increase the risk of UTIs and STIs. Alongside barrier protection like condoms or femidoms, intimate wipes or washing before and after sex are recommended.

Recreational drug use, particularly ketamine, has seen a rise in recent years. While ketamine’s effects can include increased heart rate, memory loss, nausea, depression, and numbness, its impact on your bladder is particularly concerning. Chronic use can lead to the excretion of toxic metabolites, causing irritation and inflammation in the bladder lining. This damage can stiffen the bladder, making it difficult to expand. Symptoms include frequent urination, pain during urination, blood in the urine, and incontinence. If you experience changes in your urinary habits and have been taking ketamine, seek medical help at Glastonbury’s Welfare, Worthy Rest, or medical services areas. Be honest about your drug use so you can receive appropriate treatment, which may include surgical intervention in severe cases.

Ultimately, prioritizing your health during Glastonbury is key. Stay hydrated, choose comfortable clothing, maintain good hygiene, and avoid harmful substances. Your bladder will thank you for it.

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