Google Fires 20 More Employees Over Anti-Israeli Contract Protests

Google Fires 20 More Employees Over Anti-Israeli Contract Protests

Tensions have escalated between Google and its employees following the dismissal of 20 more workers who participated in protests against the company’s $1.2 billion cloud computing contract with the Israeli government.

The activist group No Tech for Apartheid confirmed the additional terminations, bringing the total number of fired employees to 50. The group’s spokesperson, Jane Chung, alleged that some of the dismissed workers were simply bystanders who did not actively participate in the demonstrations.

Google has confirmed the firings, stating that the affected employees disrupted operations during the April 16th protests. A spokesperson emphasized that each fired worker had actively disrupted offices.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai weighed in on the situation, reminding staff that while open discussion is encouraged, the workplace is not a place for disruptive behavior. Pichai emphasized that employees should not use the company as a personal platform or engage in political debates.

The dismissals come amid broader protests against cooperation between American entities and the Israeli government. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been held on campuses, and activists have temporarily blocked transportation hubs to oppose Israel’s actions.

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The Times of India Tech Desk is a dedicated team of journalists committed to delivering the latest and most relevant technology news to readers.

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