GOP Lawmakers Condemn Antisemitism and Pro-Palestine Demos at Columbia University

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and fellow Republican lawmakers faced relentless heckling and jeering during a combative press conference held at Columbia University on Wednesday. The lawmakers had assembled to denounce the rise of antisemitism and the ongoing pro-Palestine demonstrations occurring on campus.

Johnson, flanked by GOP Representatives Virginia Foxx (N.C.), Mike Lawler (N.Y.), Anthony D’Esposito (N.Y.), and Nicole Malliotakis (N.Y.), had traveled to the Manhattan campus, where pro-Palestine protesters have established an encampment and are demanding that the university divest from Israel and companies associated with its military operations against Hamas.

Upon taking to the podium, the GOP lawmakers were immediately met with a chorus of boos and frequent interruptions from protesters as they denounced the alleged mistreatment of Jewish students on campus and directly addressed the student demonstrators.

‘The cherished traditions of this university are being overtaken right now by radical and extreme ideologies,’ Johnson declared. ‘They place a target on the backs of Jewish students in the United States here on this campus.’

‘A growing number of students have chanted in support of terrorists. They have chased down Jewish students. They have mocked them and reviled them. They have shouted racial epithets. They have screamed at those who bear the Star of David,’ Johnson asserted.

As Johnson spoke, the crowd erupted in chants of ‘We can’t hear you.’ ‘Enjoy your free speech,’ Johnson retorted.

In a pointed remark, D’Esposito addressed the student protesters, stating, ‘If you are a protester on this campus, and you are proud that you’ve been endorsed by Hamas, you are part of the problem.’

Lawler added, ‘The fastest way for a cease-fire to occur is for Hamas to surrender and release the hostages. And if you can’t call for that, you are a pathetic embarrassment to this institution and to students everywhere.’

Both statements elicited an uproar from the crowd. When Johnson stated, ‘Anti-Israel encampments are popping up at universities all across this country,’ the crowd responded with a cacophony of shouts and boos.

‘Mike you suck’ and ‘get the f— out of here’ could be heard as Johnson continued to speak.

Johnson’s visit to Columbia’s campus was the latest in a series of visits by House lawmakers this week, amidst growing protests against Israel’s conflict with Hamas and allegations of antisemitism. Earlier this week, the university announced a shift to hybrid learning for the remainder of the semester as protests persisted.

Johnson and his New York GOP colleagues joined in calls for Columbia University President Minouche Shafik to resign, a request that was met with loud jeering from the crowd.

‘I am here today joining my colleagues in calling on President Shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos,’ Johnson stated. ‘As Speaker of the House, I am committing today that the Congress will not be silent as Jewish students are expected to run for their lives and stay home from their classes hiding in fear.’

The press conference concluded amidst ongoing heckling and disruption from protesters.

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