Gorham Town Council Considers $53.5 Million School Budget

The Gorham Town Council convened a workshop on Tuesday to delve into the details of the Gorham School Department’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which commences on July 1. The budget proposal stands at $53.5 million, a notable $3.5 million increase from the current $50 million expenditure. This budget increase sparked concerns among Town Council members last year, leading to $2.2 million in cuts. However, the comprehensive budget explanation presented during Tuesday’s workshop appeared to alleviate some of these concerns. Stewart McCallister, a member of the School Committee, commended the workshop’s productivity, while Hollis Cobb, the School Department’s Business Manager, expressed optimism about the potential for collaboration. Notably, the workshop excluded a segment dedicated to public comments, and Town Councilor Phil Gagnon was absent from the meeting. Lee Pratt, the Town Council’s Vice Chair, acknowledged the possibility of a shift in the council’s perspective following further deliberations. The proposed budget entails an adjustment to the portion of the town’s tax rate allocated to education, increasing it from $8.79 per thousand dollars of property valuation to $9.59, representing a 9.05% rise. This equates to an 80-cent increase per thousand dollars. The budget’s revenue stream includes $600,000 derived from an accumulation of unspent funds over the years, known as a fund balance. Superintendent Heather Perry incorporated this amount into the budget to mitigate the impact on local taxpayers. The fund balance was a subject of discussion at the meeting, with the possibility remaining open for the Town Council to supplement the budget with additional fund balance money, further reducing the tax burden. Perry emphasized that the council possesses the authority to both add and subtract funds from the budget. Following the Town Council’s approval, the school budget will be presented to the town’s voters for validation via a referendum scheduled for June 11. Additionally, the School Department intends to seek voter approval in November to secure up to $16 million for capital improvements. This request will also require the Town Council’s endorsement before being submitted for referendum.

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