The governments of Canada and Manitoba have joined forces to invest $2.6 million in Manitoba Pork’s ‘Squeal on Pigs’ campaign, a crucial initiative designed to manage the province’s wild pig population. This comprehensive program aims to identify and track wild pig locations to mitigate the risks they pose to public health, livestock, and the agricultural sector.
Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshynin emphasized the importance of proactively addressing the issue, stating, “Wild pigs, if left unchecked, pose a significant threat to both human and animal health. This program represents a critical step in safeguarding Manitobans and the province’s vital pork industry.”
The ‘Squeal on Pigs’ campaign plays a pivotal role in raising awareness about the challenges posed by invasive wild pigs in Manitoba. It equips residents with the knowledge and resources necessary to identify and report wild pig sightings. These reports are essential for tracking the population’s movements and implementing effective management strategies.
Wild pigs can wreak havoc on the environment, contaminating water sources, damaging natural habitats, and destroying crops. Their presence poses a direct threat to Manitoba’s agricultural sector, impacting pastures, forages, and other vital resources. The campaign urges Manitobans to prioritize reporting sightings instead of attempting to hunt wild pigs independently, as hunting can lead to the dispersal of pig populations over larger areas, making management more challenging.
The Sustainable Agriculture Partnership serves as the funding source for this essential campaign, providing the necessary resources to implement effective measures for managing the wild pig population in Manitoba.