Guelph Implements Lobbyist Registry for Transparency and Accountability

Guelph Establishes Municipal Lobbyist Registry for Enhanced Transparency

The City of Guelph has embarked on a significant initiative to establish a municipal lobbyist registry. This registry aims to enhance transparency and accountability in political decision-making by requiring individuals and organizations engaging with council members or senior city staff to register their interactions.

The proposed registry will include the names, contact information, and dates of communication for anyone seeking to influence council decisions or obtain grant funding. This includes both for-profit and non-profit entities that have a financial interest in the matter under discussion.

Mayor Cam Guthrie emphasized the importance of the registry, stating that it fosters transparency and ensures that the motives of individuals and organizations are clearly disclosed. The registry will help to prevent potential conflicts of interest and ensure that decision-making is based on merit, rather than influence peddling.

The City of Guelph is not the first municipality in Ontario to implement a lobbyist registry. At least ten other municipalities, including Toronto, have similar registries in place. However, Guelph’s initiative is part of a broader movement towards establishing a province-wide municipal lobbyist registry with consistent rules and regulations.

Mayor Guthrie expressed his desire for a uniform system across the province, stating that he plans to initiate discussions with mayors across Ontario to ensure that the rules are applied consistently from one municipality to the next.

The establishment and maintenance of the registry are expected to incur minimal costs for the city. However, the additional work required for the Registrar may necessitate an additional investment of $10,000 to $20,000.

A final report and draft bylaw will be presented to the Guelph City Council at their July meeting for further review and approval.

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