Gus (2013) is a comedy-drama film written and directed by Jessie McCormack. It follows two best friends, Lizzie and Andie. Lizzie has been struggling to conceive while Andie accidentally gets pregnant after a one-night stand. Despite Lizzie’s desire for a child, Andie makes a surprising offer: to give birth to the baby so that Lizzie and her husband can raise it. However, things get complicated when Andie moves in with Lizzie and her husband for the duration of the pregnancy.
The film features Jon Dore as Peter, Michael Weston as Casey, and Mimi Kennedy as Dr. Grayson. Gus is available for streaming on Peacock, an American streaming platform that offers a vast library of movies, TV series, and documentaries. Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of content, including current NBC and Bravo shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus offers the same benefits but with no ads (save for limited exclusions) and allows users to download select titles for offline viewing.
Gus explores the complexities of female friendship, family dynamics, and the unexpected challenges that can arise during pregnancy. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the film delves into the complexities of human relationships and the strength of the bonds that unite us.