Gutfeld! Rips Into Media’s ‘Shocked’ Reaction to Biden’s Debate Performance

The ‘Gutfeld!’ panel is questioning the media’s reaction to President Biden’s CNN town hall, specifically their claims of being shocked by his performance. Gutfeld argues that the media has been covering up Biden’s cognitive decline for months, noting that they initially dismissed concerns as right-wing hype. Now, they’re acting as though Biden’s mental state is a surprise.

Gutfeld points out that the same media outlets who previously assured us of Biden’s sharp mind are now admitting they were aware of his mental decline all along. He questions who orchestrated this narrative and why they are now scrambling to cover up their prior stance.

The panel then delves into the bigger picture, asking who has been truly running the country. They question who made the call on the Afghanistan pullout, who approved the student loan bailouts, and who has been responsible for the chaotic border situation. Gutfeld argues that the evidence suggests that someone else has been in control, not Biden.

The ‘Gutfeld!’ panelists express skepticism about the media’s ability to report truthfully and question their motives. They suspect that the media is more interested in pursuing narratives that benefit their own interests rather than reporting objective facts. Gutfeld closes by wondering if we will ever get the truth about Biden’s mental state or if the media will continue to cover up the truth.

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