Hacked TI-84 Calculator Runs ChatGPT: The Ultimate Cheating Device?

Imagine a calculator that not only does math but also connects to the internet, runs ChatGPT, and even lets you browse the web – all disguised as a regular TI-84. This incredible feat is the brainchild of YouTuber ChromaLock, who has created what he calls ‘The Ultimate Cheating Device’.

ChromaLock’s project involves modifying a standard TI-84 calculator to run ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model. He accomplished this by combining hardware and software modifications, including a specially designed microcontroller and open-source software. The microcontroller, a Seeed Studio XIAO-ESP32-C3, is small enough to fit inside the calculator’s shell and allows for internet connectivity.

The software, available on GitHub under the ‘TI-32’ repository, allows the calculator to impersonate a regular TI-84, making it difficult to detect the modifications. This means students could potentially use the calculator to access ChatGPT’s knowledge base for answers to questions, or even browse the internet, all without raising suspicion from teachers.

ChromaLock’s video demonstrates the calculator’s capabilities, which include a built-in chat function, a monochrome image viewer, and a ChatGPT input window. The project is still under development, with plans to add more features in the future, such as improved GPT functionality, web browsing, email, video playback, and even access to Discord.

This innovative hack highlights the potential of open-source software and hardware modifications to transform everyday devices into powerful tools. It also raises ethical questions about the use of AI in education, as it opens up new possibilities for cheating. While the technology is impressive, it’s important to consider the implications and ensure that it is used responsibly.

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