Haggadah: A Journey Through Time and Culture

## The Haggadah: A Journey Through Time and Culture

The Haggadah, a central text during the Jewish Passover Seder, has undergone countless adaptations and interpretations throughout history. The National Library of Israel boasts the world’s largest collection of Haggadot, showcasing the diversity of this beloved text.

From traditional manuscripts to modern kibbutz editions, Haggadot offer a window into Zionist history, cultural expressions, and the ongoing story of Jewish identity.

### A Testament to Jewish Resilience and Adaptation

At the heart of the Haggadah lies the tale of the ancient Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. As Jews dispersed throughout the world, the Haggadah became a symbol of resilience and adaptation.

Kibbutz Haggadot, published by collective communities in Israel, often altered the traditional text to reflect their unique experiences and Zionist aspirations. For example, the Kibbutz Be’eri Haggadah from 1950 replaced the traditional “Mah Nishtana” with a text that celebrated the establishment of the State of Israel.

### A Reflection of Cultural Diversity

Haggadot also reflect the diverse cultural backgrounds of the Jewish people. The National Library’s collection includes Haggadot in Yiddish, Ladino, and Persian, showcasing the richness of Jewish languages and traditions.

One particularly fascinating Haggadah is the Rothschild Haggadah, copied and illustrated in the 15th century. Its whimsical illustrations depict wise children picking their noses and even a nude woman on the margins of the holy book.

### Preserving History through the Haggadah

Today, the National Library of Israel is not only preserving ancient Haggadot but also documenting the ongoing story of Jewish history. Following the Hamas attack and ensuing war in 2014, the library launched a project to collect and digitize texts, photos, and videos related to the conflict.

### The Haggadah: A Bridge Between Past and Present

The Haggadah serves as a bridge between the past and present, reminding us of the ancient Israelites’ struggle for freedom while providing a framework for contemporary Jewish identity. The diversity of Haggadot at the National Library of Israel showcases the resilience, adaptability, and cultural richness of the Jewish people throughout history.

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