Hamas Uncertain of Kidnapped Israeli Hostage Count, Accuses Israel of Sabotaging Ceasefire

Amidst claims and counter-accusations of sabotage in the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, a senior Hamas official has expressed uncertainty over the fate of 120 remaining Israeli hostages kidnapped in October.

Osama Hamdan, a Hamas spokesperson, stated in an interview with CNN, “I don’t have any idea about that (number of hostages alive). No one has an idea about this,” casting doubt on the survival of the hostages. He further alleged that an Israeli operation to free four hostages on Saturday resulted in the deaths of three others, including an American citizen. Concerns arise that the actual death toll among the hostages may be higher than disclosed.

Hamdan’s revelation complicates the ongoing negotiations over a ceasefire plan proposed by the United States and approved by the United Nations Security Council. The plan outlines a phased approach, with an initial six-week ceasefire involving the exchange of some hostages for Palestinian prisoners and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. However, Hamas has expressed dissatisfaction with the plan, demanding a complete withdrawal from Gaza and a permanent end to hostilities.

The ongoing uncertainty over the hostages’ fate and the stalled ceasefire negotiations highlight the fragile state of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The situation remains volatile, with both sides accusing each other of violating the ceasefire and escalating tensions in the region.

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