Harbin, China, is gearing up to host the 9th Asian Winter Games in 2025, a momentous event that marks the city’s second time hosting this prestigious competition since 1996. Following the successful bid in July 2023, Harbin is set to welcome athletes and visitors from across Asia to showcase top-level winter sports. The city is actively working on renovating various venues, which are expected to be completed and inspected by October 31, 2024. These venues will host events in six major categories, eleven sub-categories, and sixty-four minor categories, covering a wide range of winter sports disciplines.
To ensure smooth operations and a successful Games, test events are scheduled to begin in early November to rigorously test the facilities and ensure they meet the required standards. The city has also selected thirty-eight hotels to accommodate athletes, technical officials, media personnel, and members of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). These hotels have been chosen to provide the highest standard of comfort and convenience for all participants, reflecting Harbin’s dedication to providing a welcoming environment.
Understanding the diverse cultural, religious, and dietary needs of participants from various Asian countries, the organizing committee has meticulously planned for a twenty-hour daily food supply, catering to a wide range of preferences. To ensure the health and safety of everyone involved, thirty-one hospitals have been designated, and medical service points have been established at each venue. The commitment to fair play and integrity in sports is evident through the implementation of anti-doping checkpoints for drug testing before and during the competition.
The selection and training of volunteers are also in progress, recognizing their crucial role in providing support and assistance throughout the Games. Volunteers will play a vital role in enhancing the overall participant experience. Beyond the preparations for the sporting events, Harbin is simultaneously focusing on urban construction, environmental management, and transportation upgrades to create a positive experience for visitors and residents alike.
To mark the 300-day countdown to the Games, a ceremony was held to unveil the official emblem, theme slogan, and sports icons for the Asian Winter Games. The theme slogan, “Dream of Winter, Love among Asia,” encapsulates the spirit of unity and passion that Harbin aims to bring to the event. An official website has also been launched, providing comprehensive information and updates on the Games.
With the motto “Dream of Winter, Love among Asia,” Harbin is dedicated to making every effort to prepare for and host the top-level winter games. The city’s commitment to excellence and hospitality will be on full display as it welcomes athletes and visitors from across Asia to celebrate winter sports.