Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced former film mogul, underwent an emergency medical procedure at Bellevue Hospital in New York City on Monday. The 72-year-old Weinstein, who is currently incarcerated at Rikers Island, was rushed to the hospital late Sunday after complaining of chest pains. His representatives confirmed that the procedure was a pericardiocentesis surgery to remove fluid from his heart and lungs. This surgery comes amidst a string of health challenges that Weinstein has faced in recent years.
Weinstein’s legal team had previously expressed concerns about his deteriorating health and had requested his immediate transfer to Bellevue. In an email to jail officials, his lawyer Arthur Aidala stated: “This guy is going to die on your watch if you don’t do something.” The Department of Correction confirmed that Weinstein was moved to Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward from Rikers Island, where he had been isolated in the West Facility due to health concerns.
Weinstein’s history of health issues dates back to his 2020 conviction for rape and sexual assault. He was hospitalized with chest pains and high blood pressure immediately following his conviction and subsequently underwent a procedure to insert a stent. He later tested positive for COVID-19 and pneumonia after being transferred to a state prison near Buffalo. While being extradited to California in 2021, his legal team disclosed a long list of health problems, including diabetes, coronary artery disease, and numerous other ailments.
Despite these challenges, Weinstein faces a looming retrial in Manhattan on November 12th. The state’s Court of Appeals overturned his 2020 conviction, citing the judge’s decision to allow testimony from women whose claims weren’t part of the original case. Prosecutors have also initiated steps to potentially charge him with additional sex assaults, presenting evidence to a grand jury for three previously uncharged allegations.
Weinstein has vehemently denied all allegations of rape and sexual assault. He remains in custody awaiting his retrial, and he is also scheduled to begin serving a 16-year sentence in California for a separate rape conviction in Los Angeles.
Weinstein’s journey from a powerful figure in Hollywood to a convicted criminal and a figure at the heart of the #MeToo movement has been a dramatic one. The recent health crisis underscores the complexities of his situation, with legal battles and ongoing health challenges intertwined. His story serves as a stark reminder of the impact of the #MeToo movement and the lasting consequences of his actions.