Hawaiian Airlines Inspires Young Women with Girls in Aviation Day

Hawaiian Airlines recently gave young women aged 12-17 a unique opportunity to explore careers in aviation through its participation in Girls in Aviation Day. This initiative, held on September 21st, marked the 10th anniversary of the annual celebration and was part of the airline’s ongoing commitment to fostering the next generation of female aviation professionals.

The airline’s employee resource group partnered with the Women in Aviation International Aloha Chapter to provide a platform for young women to learn about aviation and aerospace. The event connected them with inspiring female role models currently working in the field. Forty young women were invited to Hawaiian Airlines’ training center, where they participated in a variety of activities designed to simulate real-life roles within the aviation industry.

These hands-on experiences allowed the girls to gain insight into the duties of flight attendants, pilots, ground handlers, air traffic controllers, and other crucial positions. The event aimed to provide a well-rounded understanding of the diverse opportunities available in the aviation field.

“Mahalo to our Women in Aviation International Aloha Chapter and our Hawaiian Airlines ‘ohana who volunteered their time to help inspire and educate the next generation of future female leaders!” the airline expressed gratitude for the volunteers who contributed to the event. This statement highlights the airline’s dedication to empowering young women and showing them the possibilities that a future in aviation holds.

Hawaiian Airlines has a history of supporting initiatives that encourage young women to pursue careers in aviation. The airline has previously partnered with Women in Aviation International to support similar efforts, showcasing its commitment to promoting gender diversity in the industry.

In a significant milestone, Hawaiian Airlines operated its first all-female, all-part Hawaiian pilot crew on a flight from Honolulu to Boston in November 2023. What made this event even more special was that all three pilots on board had parents who were current or former Hawaiian Airlines employees, demonstrating the airline’s legacy of fostering talent across generations.

Through initiatives like Girls in Aviation Day, Hawaiian Airlines continues to make strides in promoting gender diversity within the aviation industry. These efforts provide young women with the inspiration and encouragement they need to consider aviation as a rewarding career path.

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