HBX Group Unveils Sustainable TravelTech Strategy: A Comprehensive ESG Plan for Positive Impact

HBX Group, a global leader in the TravelTech sector, has taken a significant step towards sustainable practices by unveiling its latest Sustainability Report. The report outlines a comprehensive plan that encompasses both current initiatives and future ambitions, defining the company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy for the next three years.

HBX Group’s commitment to sustainability stems from a deep understanding of the tourism industry’s potential to generate positive impact. With a global workforce exceeding 3,700 employees across more than 170 countries, the company has developed a detailed plan encompassing over 75 actions aimed at fulfilling various ESG commitments. This plan was meticulously crafted through a double materiality analysis, prioritizing stakeholder consultations to ensure alignment with their expectations.

The company has also introduced a new framework for work and result reporting, ensuring compliance with multiple current regulations and certifications. Furthermore, HBX Group recently became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, aligning itself with its 10 principles for sustainable and socially responsible business practices.

Demonstrating a commitment to long-term sustainability, HBX Group has initiated a three-year plan to align its reporting with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This directive provides a framework for assessing the impact of the company and its entire value chain, identifying over 4,000 key performance indicators. These indicators will guide the implementation of concrete changes that contribute to environmental protection.

HBX Group’s dedication to collaborative efforts is evident in the launch of its Sustainable Hotels Programme. This initiative recognizes and promotes hotels that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and community responsibility. Currently, the program includes over 40,000 properties with official sustainability certifications. Through awareness-raising efforts in partnership with various stakeholders, the number of hotels adopting no-single-use plastics policies has surged from 500 to 5,000 in just one year.

Elena Pérez, Chief Human Resources & ESG Officer, eloquently summarizes HBX Group’s commitment: “We want to leverage our position as leaders in tourism technology to promote sustainable growth and contribute to real, positive change. Our action plan includes training and promotion initiatives, the adoption of increasingly ambitious certifications and reports, as well as strategic partnerships with our associates. Only through an efficient and collaborative plan will we be able to ensure that the travel industry has an increasingly positive impact on society.”

HBX Group’s dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices firmly establishes its role as a leader in the TravelTech sector. The company is driving positive change within the industry and setting new standards for ethical and sustainable tourism practices.

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