Heatwave and Asthma: Challenges and Management

Heatwave Conditions Exacerbate Asthma Symptoms

The ongoing heatwave in the country poses a significant challenge for asthma patients as extreme heat can worsen their symptoms. High temperatures and humidity levels can cause airway inflammation, narrowing of bronchial tubes, and increased ozone and particulate pollution. These factors can trigger asthma attacks or aggravate the disease. Asthma patients need to be cautious and take preventive measures to protect their respiratory health.

Managing Asthma During Heatwaves

To effectively manage asthma during heatwaves, patients should adhere to the following guidelines:


Minimize Exposure to Heat:

Avoid outdoor activities during the hottest hours of the day when air quality is typically at its worst.


Utilize Air Conditioning:

Keep indoor environments cool and well-ventilated to reduce heat and humidity exposure and filter out air pollutants.


Stay Hydrated:

Consuming plenty of fluids keeps airways moist and prevents dehydration, which can worsen asthma symptoms.


Adhere to Medication Regimens:

Follow the asthma action plan provided by a healthcare professional. This may include using quick-relief inhalers to alleviate acute symptoms and controller medications to manage underlying inflammation.


Monitor Symptoms:

Be vigilant about changes in asthma symptoms and seek medical attention promptly if symptoms worsen despite medication use.

By taking these proactive measures, asthma patients can minimize the risk of asthma exacerbations and maintain optimal respiratory health during heatwave conditions.

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