Hobby Horsing: A Sport or a Hobby?

Several dozen children, ranging from first-graders to teenagers, gathered at a gymnasium in northern St. Petersburg for an unusual competition: hobby horsing. The event resembled a proper equestrian competition, except that instead of horses, the participants rode sticks with horse heads attached to them.

Hobby horsing enthusiasts can either purchase a stick horse or create one from scratch. The Russian Federation of Hobby Horsing, which organized the competition, states on its website that the discipline originated in Finland and is primarily a grassroots movement. Despite its non-professional status, hobby horsing competitions feature tournaments, coaches, and judges, and participants must adhere to the regulations of horse-riding competitions.

While hobby horsing may not be considered a professional sport, it fosters a sense of community and encourages physical activity among its participants. It also promotes creativity, as individuals can design and customize their own stick horses.

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