Hoi An Grapples with Mass Tourism, Contrasting with Cu Lao Cham’s Sustainable Approach

Hoi An’s Mass Tourism Challenges

Hoi An, a charming 15th-century trading town renowned for its wooden houses and UNESCO heritage status, faces the challenges of mass tourism. The town’s popularity has drawn millions of tourists annually, overwhelming its infrastructure and population of 120,000. This surge in visitors has resulted in environmental degradation, overcrowding, and strains on local resources.

Cu Lao Cham Island’s Sustainable Tourism Model

In contrast to Hoi An, Cu Lao Cham Island, a short boat ride away, has implemented a sustainable tourism approach. The island, recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere site in 2009, has prioritized conservation efforts to protect its ecosystem. This approach has resulted in tangible benefits, including improved water quality, increased biodiversity, and sustainable economic development.

Learning from Cu Lao Cham’s Practices

Hoi An’s struggle with overtourism highlights the need for a balance between preserving cultural heritage and promoting tourism. Cu Lao Cham Island’s sustainable practices offer valuable lessons. Emphasizing conservation, managing tourist activities, and fostering local involvement are essential steps to ensure that tourism continues to benefit Hoi An without compromising its unique charm and ecological integrity.

Efforts to Curb Overtourism in Hoi An

Recognizing the challenges of mass tourism, Hoi An is implementing measures to curb its negative impacts. These efforts include limiting tourist numbers, promoting responsible tourism practices, and investing in infrastructure to support the town’s growing visitor population.

Hoi An’s struggle with overtourism and Cu Lao Cham Island’s sustainable approach present a case study in tourism management. By learning from Cu Lao Cham’s practices and implementing sustainable measures, Hoi An can preserve its cultural heritage while ensuring that tourism remains a force for positive development.

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