Hollow Progression Path in : From Fishbone to Vastocar

Starting out as a Fishbone, the weakest form of a Hollow, completing this progression will require several tasks and quests. Throughout this journey, you’ll evolve into Menos, Adjuchas, Vasto Lorde, and finally, Vastocar, the pinnacle of Hollow evolution in.

The first step to becoming Vastocar is to evolve into Menos. To do this, consume the body parts of other Hollows, both Fishbones and Menos. You’ll find many of these NPC Hollows around Hueco Mundo.

Once you’ve become a Menos, you can continue to consume other Hollows to evolve into an Adjuchas. Head to Menos Forest next to the quest board in Hueco Mundo to find more Menos to defeat.

From there, the challenge intensifies. To become a Vasto Lorde, you must complete a series of difficult tasks that require patience and skill. If you successfully complete these tasks, you’ll become a Vasto Lorde. If you fail, you’ll revert back to Menos and your journey to Vastocar will be reset.

Finally, to become Vastocar, you simply need to rip off your mask. This transformation will complete your Hollow progression and make you the ultimate Hollow in the realm of.

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