The eagerly awaited film adaptation of Mary Shelley’s iconic ‘Frankenstein,’ titled ‘The Bride!,’ has embarked on its production journey at the picturesque Snug Harbor Cultural Center on Staten Island. The film boasts an all-star cast, with Christian Bale portraying the tormented Frankenstein, Penelope Cruz embodying the Bride, and Jessie Buckley playing the role of the doctor’s assistant. Under the direction of Academy Award-nominated actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, ‘The Bride!’ follows Frankenstein’s poignant quest for companionship in the vibrant backdrop of 1930s Chicago, culminating in the enigmatic creation of the Bride. The production has transformed the grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center, with Building H undergoing a remarkable transformation into various facades. These include an authentic photo shop, a quaint souvenir post card stand, and a charming beauty salon. This meticulous attention to detail promises to immerse viewers in the captivating world of ‘The Bride!’. The film’s talented cast and visionary director have set the stage for a cinematic masterpiece that reimagines the timeless tale of Frankenstein for a contemporary audience. With filming officially underway, ‘The Bride!’ is poised to captivate moviegoers when it graces theaters and IMAX screens on October 3, 2025.