Hollywood Star Opens Up About ‘Gross’ Audition Experience

In a recent interview, Anne Hathaway shared a disturbing experience she faced early in her career during a chemistry test for a movie. She was asked to make out with ten different male actors to gauge their chemistry, a practice that was considered normal at the time. Hathaway expressed her discomfort with the situation, describing it as “gross” and “the worst way” to test chemistry. Despite her reservations, she felt pressured to comply due to concerns about being labeled “difficult” in the industry.

Hathaway acknowledged that the industry has evolved since then, and such practices are no longer considered acceptable. She praised the approach taken in her latest film, “The Idea of You,” where potential leading men were asked to choose a song and perform an impromptu dance with her instead of engaging in uncomfortable kissing sessions. This method allowed for a more genuine and authentic assessment of chemistry between the actors.

Hathaway’s experience highlights the changing landscape of audition practices in Hollywood. The industry is moving towards more respectful and professional approaches that prioritize actors’ comfort and well-being. This shift reflects a growing awareness of the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for performers and fostering a culture of respect and professionalism in the entertainment industry.

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