Homeless Couple Lives in Birmingham Bus Stop Amidst Anti-Social Behavior Concerns

A homeless couple has resorted to living in a disused bus stop in Birmingham for the past seven months. The couple has furnished the bus stop with bedding, makeshift curtains, and other belongings, creating a makeshift shelter. Despite the offer of support and accommodation from the charity Trident Reach, the couple has so far declined the offers, stating their preference for a specific area. The situation has raised concerns among local businesses, who report anti-social behavior and large crowds gathering around the bus stop late at night. This has impacted their livelihoods and created a sense of unease in the area. The bus stop is no longer in use and has been earmarked for removal by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM). The process of removing the shelter is underway, and TfWM is coordinating with contractors and authorities to disconnect the power supply and secure road work permits. The couple’s situation highlights the challenges faced by homeless individuals and the need for comprehensive support systems to address their needs. Homeless support services continue to engage with the couple, offering assistance and exploring alternative housing options that meet their preferences.

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