Honda NSX Once Owned by Ayrton Senna Up for Sale at a Whopping £500,000

Based on this, that doesn’t come cheap however. A red Honda NSX reportedly gifted to Senna by Honda, and kept at his home in Portugal during the early 1990s, is up for sale with a list price of £500,000 (or about A$959,000). Currently owned by Robert McFagan from the UK, the red Honda supercar featured in the Senna-centric documentary Racing is in my Blood in 1992, shortly after the Brazilian won his third F1 title with McLaren. It wasn’t, however, the NSX-R that Senna famously piloted around Suzuka wearing a pair of period-appropriate loafers.

“I first bought the car in 2013 during a trip to the Algarve in Portugal and have owned it ever since where it has sat proudly at my estate in East Sussex,” current owner Robert McFagan said. “Senna’s red NSX was given to him by Honda who he had a commercial partnership with and Senna frequently used and was photographed with the car during his stays in Portugal.”

“Being a huge Senna fan myself, I was delighted when I was able to get my hands on the NSX which was crafted to perfection and features a sleek and powerful machine to give an incredible experience on the road.”

“It’s been a real pleasure owning what is one of the most famous cars belonging to a true sporting legend and the thrill of driving Senna’s car never goes away.”

Just because it’s a different car, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy that legendary Suzuka lap one more time.

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