Hong Kong Hit by First Red Rainstorm Warning of 2024, Causing Extensive Flooding

Hong Kong experienced its first red rainstorm warning of the year on May 4, 2024, indicating more than 50mm of rain had fallen in a short period, with expectations of further severe downpours throughout the city.

The red signal, the second-highest storm risk level, prompted the issuance of additional warnings for landslips and thunderstorms, leading to widespread disruption across the city.

The New Territories area of Lohas Park was particularly affected, with hundreds of vehicles submerged in a flooded public car park. In the nearby Tseung Kwan O area, road closures and the suspension of bus services caused significant inconvenience for residents and commuters.

The Saikung district, located in the easternmost part of the New Territories, recorded about 140mm of rainfall in less than two hours, prompting the Hong Kong Observatory to attribute the severe weather to an upper air disturbance that led to the development of thundery showers over the region.

The Observatory forecasted that these severe rainstorms would continue to impact the eastern parts of the territory particularly hard, leading to the suspension of all school classes and causing some hospital clinics in the Saikung district to limit their services.

This incident highlighted the challenges faced by regions in managing and mitigating the effects of severe weather conditions on infrastructure, transportation, and public safety. It also emphasized the interconnectedness of local events with global travel and tourism and the importance of effective weather forecasting and emergency planning to minimize impacts on both local and international scales.

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