In an immersive promotional stunt for the upcoming film ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,’ actors adorned in elaborate horse-riding ape costumes descended upon the bustling streets of San Francisco. The movie, a sequel set three centuries after the events of ‘War for the Planet of the Apes,’ promises a captivating cinematic experience with its highly detailed ape costumes. The elaborate costumes left an indelible impression on Sankalp Bangera, a visitor from India who witnessed the shoot firsthand. Bangera marveled at the lifelike movements of the apes, particularly the realistic eyelid animations, a feature uncommon in traditional masks. The film, distributed by Disney 20th Century Fox, the parent company of ABC7, is set to hit theaters on May 10th.
Horse-Riding Apes Take Over San Francisco for ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ Promo Shoot