HOTEL Act: A Major Step Forward in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) has thrown its weight behind the newly introduced Halting of Trafficking and Exploitation in Lodging Act, or the HOTEL Act. This groundbreaking legislation aims to curb human trafficking by incentivizing federal employees traveling on official business to select hotels with established anti-trafficking programs. The AHLA, alongside its members and the AHLA Foundation, has been at the forefront of the fight against trafficking, demonstrating a commitment to prevention and awareness within the hospitality industry. The HOTEL Act, introduced by Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), aims to redirect federal business towards hotels actively engaged in anti-trafficking initiatives. To qualify, these hotels must meet specific criteria, including mandatory training developed in collaboration with state governments, human trafficking survivors, survivor-led organizations, or nationally recognized anti-trafficking experts like the AHLA Foundation.

Since 2019, the AHLA’s No Room for Trafficking (NRFT) initiative has been a cornerstone of the industry’s anti-trafficking efforts. This program, developed in partnership with PACT (formerly ECPAT-USA), provides free training modules to equip hotel staff with the skills to identify and respond to potential instances of trafficking. The training covers a comprehensive range of essential topics, from recognizing human trafficking indicators to coordinating with law enforcement. To date, over 1.8 million hotel employees have completed these training sessions, making it one of the most impactful initiatives in the hospitality sector. To further solidify their commitment, hotels are also encouraged to display indicator signage and establish comprehensive company-wide policies to combat trafficking.

In addition to preventative measures, the AHLA Foundation launched the industry’s first-ever Survivor Fund in 2022, which has raised an impressive $3.7 million to support survivors of human trafficking. As part of its ongoing commitment, the AHLA Foundation has pledged to match donations to the NRFT Survivor Fund, aiming to raise a total of $10 million. This initiative not only empowers survivors but also reinforces the industry’s broader commitment to ending trafficking. The fund has become a vital resource, providing survivors with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

The HOTEL Act signifies a significant step forward in the hospitality industry’s fight against human trafficking. By encouraging federal workers to choose hotels actively engaged in this battle, the industry is setting a powerful example of how the private sector can play a crucial role in addressing one of the world’s most pressing human rights issues.

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