House Committee Slams Biden’s Electric School Bus Program, Citing China Dependence and Waste

A scathing new report from the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee is raising eyebrows about the Biden administration’s $5 billion Clean School Bus Program. Lawmakers are accusing the program of promoting dependence on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for key components of electric school buses while also lacking proper safeguards against waste, fraud, and abuse.

The report, which was reviewed by Fox News Digital, highlights concerns that the program prioritizes electric school buses over cheaper, lower-emissions alternatives. The committee argues that the subsidies for electric buses don’t justify the astronomical upfront costs, particularly when school budgets are already stretched thin.

The report emphasizes the hefty price tag of electric school buses, averaging $381,190, compared to the $100,000 price of a typical diesel school bus. While proponents argue that electric buses ultimately offer lower operating costs, the committee disputes this claim, asserting that the savings don’t outweigh the initial investment.

Beyond financial concerns, the committee raises a serious national security issue, pointing to the program’s reliance on China for critical components like EV batteries. The report states, “ESB batteries rely on opaque supply chains rife with national security risks and that pose grave human rights concerns, and are to the benefit of adversarial regimes, such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which largely has a monopoly on certain parts of the supply chain for these products.” The committee further cites Morgan Stanley’s estimate that China controls 90% of the EV battery supply chain. This reliance, the report argues, ultimately strengthens the CCP’s economic and geopolitical influence.

The report also raises concerns about the program’s oversight, claiming the EPA did not adequately verify applications and relied heavily on self-certification, potentially opening the door for fraud. The committee chairs stated that the program “props up a market that relies heavily upon a supply chain dominated by the Chinese Communist Party.”

The EPA, however, maintains that the program is vital for creating a cleaner future for children. The agency insists that it is committed to oversight and accountability and is working to ensure the funds are used effectively to improve air quality and address climate change concerns.

This report is sure to spark further debate about the Biden administration’s energy policies and their implications for national security and economic competitiveness.

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