Household Items That Can Make Hay Fever Worse

The onset of spring and summer brings on the misery of hay fever for millions of people, with over 10 million sufferers in England alone. While pollen is widely recognized as the main culprit behind hay fever symptoms, some surprising household items could be exacerbating the issue.

### Unexpected Household Items That Can Trigger Hay Fever

Contact Lenses:

Contact lenses can trap allergens such as pollen and dust against the eye, worsening hay fever symptoms like itchiness and redness. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your contact lenses can help minimize allergen buildup and alleviate eye discomfort.


Alcohol can exacerbate hay fever symptoms due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and increase nasal congestion. Reducing alcohol consumption, particularly during high pollen seasons, can help ease symptoms and boost overall respiratory health.


Clothing can act as a magnet for pollen, which clings to fabric fibers and triggers symptoms when brought indoors. Regularly washing clothes, especially after being outside, can help remove allergens and stop them from spreading to indoor surfaces.


Cigarette smoke is laden with irritants and allergens that can intensify hay fever symptoms and exacerbate respiratory problems. Avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke is crucial for effective hay fever management and maintaining lung health.

Indoor Plants:

While indoor plants can enhance your home’s aesthetics, they can also be a source of pollen, making it impossible to escape from. Regularly dusting plant leaves can help reduce the buildup of pollen indoors.


Curtains can serve as a storage area for allergens like dust and pollen. Pollen can settle on fabric surfaces and trigger hay fever symptoms when disturbed. Regular curtain washing and the use of allergen-proof covers can help minimize the accumulation of allergens.

By being aware of these unexpected triggers, you can take steps to reduce your exposure to hay fever-causing allergens and alleviate your symptoms.

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