How I’m Becoming a Millionaire by Earning Minimum Wage

My journey towards becoming wealthy started five years ago, when I was 57 years old. I had always dreamed of being wealthy, but I saw it as something that would just happen suddenly, like winning the lottery. I had no idea that wealth was something that could be achieved through hard work and smart planning.

I realized that I needed to change my mindset about money and wealth. I needed to stop spending money on things that I thought would make me look rich, and start saving and investing my money wisely. I also needed to find a way to earn more money. So I started working as a cab driver 80 hours a week.

It was hard work, but I was determined to achieve my goal. I saved every penny I could, and I invested my savings in property. I bought my first house in September 2020 for £63,000 and began renting it out. That gave me an extra income of around £400 a month – which, coupled with what I earned from my 80-hour a week job, meant I could buy a second house in January 2021. I bought it with my best friend, who was so impressed with my story that he wanted to buy one with me.

I refinanced my first house for £90,000 – it had gone up by £27,000 in a few years. That’s how I bought my third property, in December 2022. I bought my fourth house in October last year, and I should be in a position to buy the fifth one this July. If I keep going, I should get to £1,000,000 by year 10 and I will have become a millionaire while only earning minimum wage.

The journey towards my goal has been tough. It’s not enjoyable; I’m tired all the time. But I don’t plan to stop any time soon, because I’m on track. Plus, we all need a purpose, a reason to get up in the morning. If anyone wants to do what I’m doing: You just need that goal, and a plan to achieve it. And don’t knock the minimum wage. I used to feel ashamed of being a taxi driver. But now, I know it’s not how you earn your money that matters. It’s what you do with it that counts.

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