How New Tech Is Plugging Leaks and Reshaping Water Management

Water scarcity is a persistent issue in Indian cities, particularly during summer months. With unpredictable monsoon patterns and a growing urban population, the situation is only expected to worsen.

Adding to the problem is the significant amount of water lost due to leaks in the distribution system. These leaks often go undetected until water surfaces on roads or other public areas. In some cases, the leaked water seeps into the ground unnoticed.

To address this challenge, several startups are leveraging advanced technologies to detect and fix water leaks.

SmartTerra, a Bengaluru-based company, uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to analyze data from flow meters, pressure sensors, and individual water meters to identify leaks.

Solinas Integrity, an IIT Madras-incubated startup, employs miniature robotic cameras that can navigate inside pipelines to detect irregularities in water flow or contamination.

Aumsat, another player in this space, utilizes satellite imagery and software to pinpoint leaks with high accuracy.

These innovative solutions have yielded promising results. For example, in Pune, SmartTerra’s pilot project led to a 438 KLD (kilo liters per day) reduction in water losses after fixing 19 different leak points.

Solinas Integrity’s robotic solution helped the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board identify leaks and dents in pipelines without the need for excavation, saving time and money.

While these startups are making significant strides, experts emphasize the need for continued investment and innovation in this sector. Reducing non-revenue water losses and ensuring efficient water management are crucial for India’s sustainable future.

Collaboration between government agencies, industries, and innovators is essential to create a water infrastructure that minimizes waste and ensures equitable distribution.

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