How to Keep White Bedding Bright: Expert Cleaning Tips from Reddit Users

Maintaining the crisp brightness of white bedsheets can be a daunting task, especially for those with pets and children. However, a recent Reddit post seeking advice on this very topic has sparked a flurry of responses from individuals eager to share their tips and tricks for keeping white bedding looking fresh and clean.

The original post, which garnered significant attention on the platform, expressed a desire to achieve the pristine look of hotel-quality bedding at home while acknowledging the challenges of maintaining white linens.

Numerous Reddit users chimed in with a wealth of advice and personal experiences. One user said it is important to consider factors such as water type, choice of detergent, and fabric content in influencing the whiteness of linens. With that in mind, they said:

“I use Tide Original (powder) and I use two tablespoons or less of detergent.”

For dealing with marks or stains, they advised:

“If I notice a mark or stain, I pretreat and then wash in COLD water so that if it doesn’t come out completely, the warm or hot water doesn’t set the stain.”

They added:

“I have some rentals (long and short term) and on the ones where I provide bedding, sometimes I do notice faint yellow stains on bedding or towels. I get them out by soaking overnight in OxyClean + Cold Water.”

Another Reddit user suggested:

“I have white sheets and a white comforter and three dogs. Keeping it clean is hard – I wash weekly and use vinegar, laundry soap, and warm water. When I need to spot clean I’ve been using some oxy-clean spray that I’ve had for years.

In the past, I’ve used oxy-clean powder for white, for the most part, I don’t use any harsh chemicals in my house and I prefer the natural route. I will also use the ‘soak’ option on my washer and have them soak for an hour or more if need to during the wash cycle. So far they’re still mostly white but I think it’s impossible to keep them super crispy bright white.”

These are just a few of the many tips and tricks that were shared on the Reddit thread. By following these tips, you can keep your white bedding looking its best for longer.

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