How to Store Potatoes for Months: Expert Tips to Prevent Sprouting and Mold

As summer fades and the cool breeze of autumn arrives, many of us crave the warmth and comfort of hearty stews, soups, and casseroles. Potatoes, a beloved ingredient in these cozy dishes, often find their way into our kitchens. However, keeping potatoes fresh and preventing them from sprouting prematurely can be a challenge if you’re not aware of proper storage techniques.

Karen Lamar, a storage expert from Organic Cottonmart, reveals a common mistake: storing potatoes alongside certain vegetables on the kitchen counter. Onions, in particular, release ethylene gas, a plant-growing hormone that accelerates the sprouting process in potatoes. This means storing them together can lead to potatoes going bad much faster.

To ensure optimal freshness, potatoes should be kept away from onions, garlic, and tomatoes, all of which produce significant amounts of ethylene gas. These vegetables also have a high water content, which can contribute to moisture buildup and the development of mold on your potatoes.

Instead, opt for a dark, dry, and well-ventilated location. A cupboard, drawer, or even a basement, cellar, or pantry are ideal choices. Avoid exposing potatoes to direct sunlight, as this can trigger the production of chlorophyll, turning the potatoes green and bitter. This greening also increases the levels of solanine, a potentially toxic compound.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect storage spot, remove any plastic wrapping from your potatoes and place them in a breathable container, such as a paper bag, mesh bag, or fabric bag. This allows for proper airflow, preventing moisture accumulation and the growth of mold and bacteria.

By following these simple storage tips, you can enjoy fresh, sprout-free potatoes for two to three months longer than usual. This not only helps to prevent food waste but also saves you money on your grocery bills.

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